Monday, 12 April 2010

Better late than never

I've finally gotten around to painting my corridor. My parents came over and helped, but honestly, I did at least 20% of it myself.. The red heart of the flat has been obliterated by white and lilac. I love it already, and have taken to keeping the lights out there lit at all times so I can glance out of the living room door and admire our work.

Obviously I've suddenly noticed all the other things in the flat that need painting.. Uh oh.

Before: A lovely deep red which is probably nice for curtains if you have a Victorian hunting lodge, not a 2 square metres corridor...  

After: Niiiiice! Lilac to go with my new green spring coat from Ted Baker. I had to scour London to find it, but it was worth every minute of "hard work"!
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